Individual Instruction Courses
Would you like to learn how to fly? It is a known fact that pilots who first learn to fly in gliders are some of the best aviators. For example, our national hero, Captain "Sully" Sullenberger holds a Glider Flight Instructor Certificate. The United States Air Force Academy is the largest glider training facility in the United States. Would you like to add a glider rating to your certificate? We can help you meet your goal! Would you like to add on a commercial rating to your private glider certificate? Perhaps consider an instructor rating? Bermuda High offers individualized instruction for pilots with various aviation experience. We are fortunate to have an FAA Designated Examiner on staff. Franklin Burbank is designated by the FAA to be an examiner for all ratings, from Student pilot to Certificated Flight Instructor Glider.
We suggest that you contact us a couple weeks in advance and we will be happy to reserve a plane, an instructor and a tow pilot for you. You may call and schedule three to five weeks in advance. Scheduling can be done via e mail but we will need to confirm by telephone. We will need your name, phone number, email address and credit card information to secure your position with a deposit. The deposit is 1/3 of your desired training course. It is applied to your account and non refundable. Unfortunately we have found it necessary to require deposits. There are only so many weeks in the year and everyone's time is very valuable. If the weather does not allow us to fly, your deposit will be held until you are able to reschedule. Thank you for your understanding.
Beginner Training Course

The shirt-tale is cut after the first solo!
Learn to fly with fully qualified, highly experienced FAA flight instructors. The course is designed for the person who has little or no flying experience. The weight limit is 240 lbs. A student may solo a sailplane at age fourteen. At age sixteen, a student may obtain a private certificate. The average student will solo after 30 to 35 training flights. This can be accomplished in approximately 8 two hour sessions. To satisfy the FAA requirements for a private pilot certificate, the student pilot must accumulate two hours of solo flight time and have at least 10 solo flights. The student is required to pass a written test given by the FAA. When these requirements are met, the student then completes recommendation flights with an instructor and a check ride with our on site examiner.
**Total cost for all training courses excludes the examiner fee. Allow $500.00 for amount to budget.
Transition Course (for those that have flight experience)

This course is designed for the person who already has a private pilot certificate or higher rating in fixed wing aircraft. The average (current ) pilot will solo after 8 to 12 dual flights. The FAA requirements after solo for a private rating are 10 solo flights, recommendation flights with an instructor and the check ride. To satisfy the FAA requirements for a commercial rating, 20 solo flights are required along with the recommendation flights and check ride. The course can be completed in 3 to 4 days. Pre - course study is required. A current medical is not required.
Private Transition Course Approximate Cost
Commercial Transition Course Approximate Cost
Flight Instructor Training Program
Please contact Bermuda High to discuss your goal of obtaining your FAA Glider Flight Instructor Certificate. To qualify for the Bermuda High flight instructor program, one must have at least 30 hours or more of PIC time in gliders. Bermuda High has an FAA Pilot Examiner on staff who is authorized to issue Flight Instructor Certificates.